
The Polymath delivers a culture of encyclopaedic knowledge. The Boffin is a person who is highly specialised in their area of expertise. For the Polymath to achieve their most ambitious vision, they must cooperate with the Boffin to produce the components of the solution.

Polymath & Boffin engages with a network of solution experts to elevate your business to new frontiers of achievement. In an advisory capacity or as a partner, we design solutions to attain higher levels of security and return on any investment.

For the investee

We tailor the application and expertise of investment banking to help you capitalise upon your patented idea, start-up next phase or achieving primacy in your established business. We can help you raise capital and reimagine your developmental areas of product, finance and management to promote lasting and progressive growth.

For the investor

Whether you wish to diversify your portfolio or acquire new target assets we can originate structured portfolios of investment, and offer investor representation to ensure your interests are protected. Our expertise in origination comprises scientific methods of risk management and modalities of verifiable wealth generation.

Essential overwatch is conducted through in-depth analysis of the target commercial and regulatory environment, negotiation of mergers and acquisitions, and the development of prospective investment terms.

Connect, align and transform for growth

Our mission is to connect investor capital with innovative product and commercial opportunity, establishing an ecosystem of commerce for both investee and investor, one which thrives on an alignment of interest between all stakeholders.

We bring transformative products to market, fuelled by entrepreneurial vision and a drive for positive impact. 

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them
— Einstein

Clear and lasting benefit

We thrive on designing products that are highly investable. Portfolios and services that empower investors and investees with genuine confidence in their mutual potential for success. Our goal is for all stakeholders of a business to hold and uphold a product which we develop with a sense of great esteem and prestige, whether it is embedded in principles of fairness, equality, or positive social impact.

Our market offer must always be of clear and lasting benefit to the socioeconomic environment in which it operates. As we reflect upon the recent exposure of unprecedented sustainability issues on a global scale, and existential challenges within our own economies and communities, we understand there is a deeper need for value creation and solution-driven growth. This isn’t corporate CSR marketing text - the projects we select must make a difference.

This essential shift towards a more resilient and sustainable economy with healthier built environments and zero carbon growth, offers us a platform on which we can develop new markets and restructure business models to access stable returns, and in parallel, connect capital with true sustainability.

Our role in the financial sector is to assist companies to realign their business strategies with principles of responsible investment, and demonstrate that the move towards a sustainable business sector is not one of compromise, but one of exciting prospects with multifaceted benefits.

Our team is focused on the emerging market of Sustainable Finance. We are assisting businesses to adapt their policies and business models with established Environmental and Social Governance and sustainable development frameworks, so that they can access the best financial tools to support a smooth corporate transition.  

Balancing the short and the long term is key to delivering sustainable, profitable growth - growth that is good...for our business partners, the communities where we live and work, and the planet we inhabit
— Irene Rosenfeld

Financial Advisory Services

Planning I Finance I Management